Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hey-oh! Mid-week update from the husband type person. Cause, ya' know, just cause! I can. Because I can.

So, this past weekend we definitely enjoyed the beach time, as I am sure you saw.

This week Deanna has had to participate in the CFL course (Canadian Football League) where she will be training to be a member of the Edmonton Eskimos, I think the idea is that she will be trying out as a kicker, but could be decent in the passing game as well... (yea, yea, it doesn't stand for that.. but she will tell you all about it over the weekend, so.. w/e)..

Monday. Deanna left for work.. Aloha Furniture guys came and picked up the temporary stuff exactly when they said they would.. then I waited in an empty apartment for the Royal Hawaiian Movers guys to arrive..

and waited..


OK, to be fair, I was told they could come by between 10-12.. and they arrived at 1225.. so they were not THAT late?... er, or something. The truck arrives of course at the exact same time as a guy who was bringing over a couch/chair set that I was buying from him for our lanai.. it's actually VERY similar to the couch we have/had that is currently residing in Ohio with the in-laws.. not sure of its authenticity, but it was very affordable Danish looking couch and chair set...
 So, I had to hurry and pay the guy, and in my rush did not until later realize that he said that some of the straps had come off.. Much later (like the next day) I actually took a second to investigate the situation, most of the chairs and most of the couch have most of their straps.. but he provided the materials (as you can see on the one chair) to replace the straps, so I guess I have a small project to take care of.. you know... after all the unpacking and whatnot.
So, ok. The movers are there, they give me the inventory list of all the boxes that are in our pack.. blah blah.. they read off numbers as I check off the list, etc.. they unload the one crate.. and then.. Oh, yea, the one dude has to go back to Honolulu to get our other two crates! For serious? Yes, for serious.. so.. me and the younger guy, just kind of chill (and by chill, I mean, bring in the boxes that have been off-loaded from the truck and then I proceed to at least open up the kitchen boxes and start putting away plates, etc.

Sidebar.. the cats really, really, REALLy did not like all the commotion and hullabaloo going on at our residence..
Audra's go to hidey-hole when all else fails, behind the toilet
dunno if she feels safe there because when we took her
in we kept her in the bathroom for 2 weeks.. or what
 We probably waited an hour, maybe more, I did not really look at the time for fear of being upset about it all.. So, finally, the guy who stayed, was talking about how he really hoped that his co-worker hurried up, cause he was getting hungry (oh, and they do not usually take breaks, because they do not get paid by the hour, they get paid by how many jobs they do.. which as I thought about it, is a guaranteed way to get the crappiest quality of work out of your employees.. but w/e, they were both fine and courteous, etc)... ANYWAY.. I offered to make him a sandwich.. and then his co-worker
Behind the tub of protein powder
inside a kitchen cabinet. SAFE

showed up.. so I made two sandwiches.. yea.. cause I'm nice or something, or Mother Hubbard re-incarnate.. yes, let's go with that..

Boxes then made their way to the apartment and it looked like this...
So many stinkin' boxes
At least I got the bed started (and later
completed much before bed time 
Yup, welcome to my task for the week
so, you get the idea.. I got to unpack and unpack and unpack and unpack until finally.. it all is done.. or not, because there actually is enough stuff that I'm pretty sure we do not have enough room. Well, not with our current furniture possession.
We will probably need to purchase a bookshelf, some sort of kitchen island/butcher blocky type thingy, a desk, and then probably some sort of coffee table type for the lanai. Possibly, if not probably, will also purchase at some point a small dining set for outside.

Well, I cleaned, I opened boxes, I crammed as much as I could into every corner, and stuffed as much under the bed as I could (hooray for space-saver bags!) and I think, for the most part, there will not be that much that we have to get rid of, of course, some collections of things could certainly be scrupulously thinned from their currently voluminous numbers, for instance my baseball cards, books that I'm not sure we necessarily need all of, and tons of clothes could all use to be paired down. Ultimately, by today, however, the apartment is in much more reasonable order.
Yay, clean-ish and mostly box free (at least, a lot more box free than it had been)

and all the boxes.. which once I have
unpacked everything, I call Royal
Hawaiian and they come pick them
up, so that's a plus
Um, that's really about it. In the end, as much work as it is to unpack, it's extremely boring and not really that interesting to read about.. certainly nothing amazing to discuss.. I mean.. I hooked up the tv, so I was able to watch Netflix while I unpacked, so that was neat. I discovered that if I put the Internet Router on top of the subwoofer for the soundbar system, the shielding perhaps.. blocks the signal from the router and I get no more internet.. Also, we have re-purposed our side board as a TV/entertainment center.. (you can't quite see that from the panoramic photo.. also, not seen in the photo, is the stack of 10 boxes of books/vhs/pictures/baseball/football cards/etc that is stacked and hiding behind the door... 

The good news, is the cats are happy with our stuff back. They are back to sleeping at our feet at night (mostly) and are doing much less hiding and skulking about than they had been initially.. I guess the furniture did not completely lose their smell while in transit.

Tikti gets a chair
 So, yea, not the most riveting blog post ever.. but it is a small update in our fabulous? life? Yes. Life, it goes on... whether you live in paradise, or not.
and Audra gets a chair

OH!.. and then this happened.. like just now, as I was blogging... Audra has too much hops.

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